Pan American Park: Austin, TX

Vibrant neighborhood playground with colorful equipment, shade, and UV protection for kids 2-12 at Pan American Park.

The Pan American Park playground is more than just a play area; it’s a fantastic neighborhood playground that offers an exceptional experience for kids of all ages. Nestled within the heart of the community, this playscape boasts an open and naturally flowing design that encourages exploration and creativity.

One of the standout features of this playground is the exciting components it offers. Children can challenge themselves on the Evos net climbing system, while the two Oodle swings provide a thrilling swinging experience. These play components are not only fun but also built to last. They are coated with Landscape Structures’ specially formulated ProShield primer and architectural-grade powder-coat top layer, ensuring durability and longevity. The vibrant colors, such as peacock blue and limon, make the playground a visual delight.

Texas is known for its scorching sun, but worry not! The Powdercoat finish not only adds to the playground’s aesthetics but also provides essential protection against harmful UV rays. Moreover, integrated shade structures keep things cool, allowing kids to enjoy the main structure and swoop down the WhooWinder without overheating.

Whether it’s a sunny summer day or a crisp winter morning, children aged 2 to 12 will find endless joy at the Pan American Park neighborhood playground. It’s a place where friendships are forged, imaginations run wild, and memories are created, making it a cherished part of the community’s play area for generations to come. So, come and experience the magic of the Pan American Park neighborhood playground today!

Installation Date:

May 1, 2019


2100 E 3rd St, Austin, TX 78702

Start your project today!